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The Story Of Ruth Video On Interactive DVD

The Story Of Ruth Video On Interactive DVD

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Available with both English and Spanish Language and Audio.

The book of Ruth is about an ordinary family that finds itself in extraordinary circumstances. A remarkable testimony of great obedience and faith, the story of the biblical Ruth is a message for the entire family! Did You Know? The name Ruth means "Compassion." Ruth the Moabite is the great-grandmother of King David!Main Characters:Elimelech & Naomi, their sons, Mahlon and Chilion; Ruth and Orpah; Boaz, Naomi‰۪s near Kinsman; & Ruth & Boaz‰۪s son, ObedScriptural References:Ruth 1:1-22, Ruth 2:3-23, Ruth 3:1-15, & Ruth 4:1-14Overall Theme:When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, are left as widows, Naomi begs them to return to their own people.åÊ Orpah agrees, but Ruth declares she will never forsake Naomi and accompanies her mother-in-law back to Israel.åÊ Her faithfulness is rewarded when Naomi‰۪s kinsman, Boaz, falls in love with Ruth and marries her.Summary:When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law areleft as widows in a foreign land, Naomi begs them to care forthemselves by returning to their own people. Orpah agrees, but Ruthdeclares that she will never forsake Naomi, saying, "Where you go, Iwill go. Where you live, I will live. Where you die, I will die. Foryour people are my people, and your God is my God."Ruth accompanies Naomi back to her homeland, finds favor as sherequests permission to glean in the fields, and falls in love with hernear kinsman, Boaz. Ruth‰۪s faithfulness and honor to Naomi are rewardedwith her marriage to Boaz; Naomi‰۪s faithfulness and love for the Lordare rewarded with the birth of a grandson, (which indicates that herhusband Elimelech‰۪s line is continued). A love story for all ages!A famine has destroyed the farm of Elimelech of Bethlehem, driving him and his wife Naomi to the land of Moab.åÊ There, with the help of their two sons, they do well for a time, and the sons marry Gentile women of the region, Orpah, and the good and beautiful Ruth.åÊ Sadly, tragedy strikes the family once again. Within a short period of time, Elimelech and his two sons die. The three women are left widowed and alone.Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem.åÊ Knowing that Gentiles would not be welcome there, she tells Orpah and Ruth to return to their families. Orpah does so, but the faithful Ruth makes a vow to Naomi to never desert her.åÊ Naomi thanks God for blessing her with a loving daughter-in-law, and asks Him to protect and bless Ruth.God listens to the prayers of Naomi. In Bethlehem, Ruth tells Naomi that she will find food for them.åÊ She goes to a field which is being harvested, and asks permission to gather the bits of grain left behind by the harvesters.åÊ The land belongs to Boaz, who welcomes her to take what she needs. The kindly Boaz instructs his men to protect Ruth from any persecution. She is to be treated well in her new home.åÊ Day after day, Ruth returns to Boaz‰۪s land, allowing the affection between them to grow.åÊ Naomi tells Ruth that because Boaz is her near kinsman he is bound to marry the widowed Ruth, and urges Ruth to reveal her kinship. But Ruth wants Boaz to marry her out of love, not because of duty.On the last day of the harvest, Ruth and Boaz finally speak of their love and agree to marry. Once married, Ruth gives birth to a son, whom they name Obed.åÊ As a result of Ruth‰۪s faithfulness, God‰۪s bounty and blessing on the family are limitless.åÊ Obed is destined to be the grandfather of David, the great King who is to unite the people of Israel. Background:Ruth is a remarkable testimony to faithfulness ‰ÛÒ hers and God‰۪s. She lived during a time when many Jews had turned to idolatry. Her faith proved to be an inspiration to many Jews, even though she was born a Moabite.God blessed her for her belief. She married a loving husband and became the great grandmother of Israel‰۪s greatest king. Ultimately, her faith touches all of us ‰ÛÒthrough her will come the Messiah.BONUS Resource & Activity BooksEach interactive DVD includes a 48-page Resource & Activity Book full of skill-developing activities, word games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more! Provides hours of fun and learning for the entire family! The special ‰ÛÏCertificate of Achievement‰۝ located in the back of the book serves as an excellent award your child can display after completing the activities.DVD Chapter Index: Famine and Lost Crops Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth Become Widowed Ruth Takes Care of Naomi Bidding on the Widow's Land "Ruth's Song" Ruth is Paid Special Attention by Boaz Boaz Cares for Ruth Naomi Tells Ruth to Approach Boaz as Kin Boaz is Concerned He'll Lose Ruth to Kinsmen Boaz Ensures His Marriage to Ruth CreditsPrinciples and Values Taught in This VideoFaith, Honoring Parents, Obedience, Trust in God, Kindness, and Mercy.

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