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The Story Of Elijah Video On Interactive DVD

The Story Of Elijah Video On Interactive DVD

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Available with both English and Spanish Language and Audio.

‰ÛÏHow long will you go back and forth between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him! If Baal be god, then follow him and be done with it!‰۝ ‰ÛÒ The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 18:21, NIV)Elijah, whose name means "God is Lord," was an Old Testament prophet during the time of King Ahab. Elijah the prophet was commanded to tell the King and Queen of Israel that their land would experience a severe drought because they had encouraged the worship of Baal and killed the prophets of Yahweh.Main Characters:Elijah, Caleb, Ahab, Queen Jezebel, the Widow and her son, the Prophets of BaalScriptural References:I Kings 17:1-22, I Kings 18:1-40Overall Theme:In Elijah we see the ancient Israelites faced with the ultimate decision: Will they follow false gods and idols, or will they accept the power, wisdom and mercy of the one true living God? Their future, and the future of what has become our faith, hangs in the balance.Summary:Forced to flee for his life from Queen Jezebel and King Ahab afterwarning about the drought, Elijah was led by God to the home of a widowin Zarephath. This widow prepared her last meal and offered it toElijah, despite the fact that she had a son to feed. However, becauseshe trusted in the words of the prophet, her supply of flour and oilnever diminished.When challenged by the prophets of Baal, Elijah proved that theyworshiped a false god. After dousing his altar with buckets of water,he asked God to accept his sacrifice. Result? Fire fell from the sky,igniting the drenched sacrifice! Those who witnessed the fireimmediately began worshipping Elijah‰۪s God, the one, true God ofIsrael.Ahab, a great King of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites‰۪ God and embraced Jezebel‰۪s religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel‰۪s command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal‰۪s false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.God commands Elijah to escape to the desert in the East, where God provides water and food from Heaven for His Prophet. Elijah longs to return to Israel, to save his people. But he is obedient to God.Then God commands Elijah to go and show himself to Ahab. Elijah tells Ahab to gather the prophets of Baal and meet him on Mount Carmel, where sacrifices are to be placed on two altars.åÊåÊ Elijah challenges Ahab to call onto his God as Elijah calls on his. The god that answers first will then be proven to be the true God.The prophets of Baal cry out in vain to their idol. When Elijah prays humbly to God, God sends down fire, accepting Elijah‰۪s offering. The people, realizing at last that there is only one true God, kill the prophets of Baal, and God sends the rains again, ending His people‰۪s despair.Background:Elijah gave Baal every opportunity to win, He allowed Baal‰۪s prophets the first attempt at calling down fire. The fire that poured from Heaven consumed Elijah‰۪s offering and proved that God alone merits His peoples‰۪ worship. Although we no longer contend with the prophets of Baal, we wrestle against other temptations competing for our allegiance. Like Elijah, we must resist such idols, trusting only the living God to watch over us.BONUS Resource & Activity BooksEach interactive DVD includes a 48-page Resource & Activity Book full of skill-developing activities, word games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more! Provides hours of fun and learning for the entire family! The special ‰ÛÏCertificate of Achievement‰۝ located in the back of the book serves as an excellent award your child can display after completing the activities.DVD Chapter Index: Caleb Warns Elijah of Jezebel's Plans Baal is Proclaimed the New God of Israel Elijah Warns Ahab of Drought The Search for Elijah is Futile Elijah Remains in Hiding Rain Ceremony is Performed for Baal The Lord Instructs Elijah to go to Zarephath A Widow's Last Meal is Prepared for Elijah An Oath to Find Elijah Elijah Raises Widow's Son to Life Elijah Challenges the Prophets of Baal Baal Priests Pray to Baal Without An Answer God of Israel Sends Fire from Heaven Elijah Asks and God Sends Rain CreditsPrinciples and Values Taught in This VideoCourage, Faith, Obedience, Prayer, Covenants, Promises, Spirituality, and Trust.

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