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Forgive Us Our Debts Video On Interactive DVD

Forgive Us Our Debts Video On Interactive DVD

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Available with both English and Spanish Language and Audio.

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."' ‰ÛÒ Mark 11:25 (NIV)>How many times should we forgive? Find out in Forgive Us Our Debts!Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable about forgiveness with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches Peter about the power to forgive and how to control his anger at those who do him wrong. Christ tells the story about a man who owes his King ten thousand talents to demonstrate that the ability to forgive comes from our Heavenly Father. In the end, the King takes pity and forgives the man of the debt. Ironically, however, the pardoned man leaves the King‰۪s presence and immediately casts one of his own debtors into prison.Main Characters:Jesus, Peter, the other Disciples; temple tax collectors; the Wise King, the foolish Hazor, and the good but poor Micah.Scriptural References:Matthew 17:22-27, Matthew 18:21-35 & Mark 11:25åÊOverall Theme:Through examples and parables, Jesus leads Peter to learn the power of forgiveness and how to control his anger at those who do him wrong.åÊ Through Peter‰۪s experience, we learn the lesson of forgiveness.Summary:As Peter looks over the day‰۪s excellent catch of fish, two demanding tax collectors come up to his boat.åÊ Mocking Peter‰۪s faith in Christ, they tell Peter they will return the next day to collect their tax for the temple.Jesus tells the angry Peter to forgive the tax collectors and to go to the sea and cast in his line.åÊ There, as Jesus foretold, Peter catches a fish.åÊ In the mouth of the fish is the money to pay the tax.åÊ However, Peter is still angry and pays the tax with bitterness in his heart.Peter asks Jesus‰۝How many times do I forgive a man who has done me wrong?‰۝ Jesus tells Peter that he must forgive everyone not just once, or seven times, but ‰ÛÏseven times seventy times.‰۝Jesus relates the parable of the foolish and proud Hazor who owes a large debt to the King.åÊ Unable to pay the debt, the man begs the King‰۪s forgiveness.åÊ The merciful King forgives Hazor of the debt.Leaving the palace, Hazor meets Micah, a poor man who owes him money.åÊ Hazor insists Micah pay him immediately. ‰ÛÏJust a little more time,‰۝ Micah pleads. Hazor, although forgiven by the King, angrily refuses to forgive and sends Micah to prison.When the King finds out about Hazor‰۪s hard-hearted act, he orders Micah released and arrests Hazor in his place.åÊ The King tells Hazor, ‰ÛÏI would love to show you mercy, but how can I forgive you, when you refuse to forgive others?‰۝Peter interprets the parable to Jesus, explaining that the wise King represents God, and His forgiveness is there for all of us, if we can accept it and freely forgive others.Peter forgives the dumb-founded tax collectors.åÊ Peter is now able to spread this new message of forgiveness toåÊåÊåÊ others, even to the tax collectors themselves.Background:In Forgive Us Our Debts, we see Jesus‰۪ message of forgiveness in action. This powerful video reminds us that we are all debtorsåÊåÊåÊ graciously forgiven by God.åÊ Jesus paid the debt we owed for our sins, and He calls us to respond by extending similar grace to others. BONUS Resource & Activity Books:Each interactive DVD includes a 64-page Resource & Activity Book full of skill-developing activities, word games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more! Provides hours of fun and learning for the entire family! The special "Certificate of Achievement" located in the back of the book serves as an excellent award your child can display after completing the activities.DVD Chapter Index: Taxes Due Money in the Mouth of a Fish King Forgives Debt of 10,000 Talents Unmerciful Debt Collector Apprehended King Punishes Unjust Debtor Forgive Seventy Times Seven "I Forgive" Peter Forgives Closing CreditsPrinciples and Values Taught in This Video:Forgiveness, Humility, Mercy, Authority (respect of), and Compassion Parables in This Video:* The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (also known as the Parable of the Unforgiving Official) - Matt 18:23-35Click here to see other parables of Jesus in The Animated Stories from the New Testament series.

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