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New Leaf Press

Bankruptcy of Our Nation (Revised and Expanded)

Bankruptcy of Our Nation (Revised and Expanded)

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The U.S. national debt has surpassed the $20 trillion mark, with future unfunded obligations of over $120 trillion - and the government has no plan. Don't face the worsening financial crisis trapped, living paycheck to paycheck, with no way to protect your family's financial future! 21 income streams you can create now... and in retirement How to inflation-proof your portfolio using the P.A.C.E. Investment Strategy (P=Precious Metals, A=Agriculture, C=Commodities, E=Energy) How to break free from the Consumption Trap using our Five Levels of Financial Freedom How to survive the coming collapse of the petrodollar system, easy ways to diversify for retirement or work your way out of debt, and much more! In this eye-opening financial survival guide, you will learn about the rise and fall of the U.S. dollar, an out of control Federal Reserve, why inflation is coming, and much more! Get the information and strategies you must know now to protect your family and your finances.

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