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24 Animated New Testament DVD Collection

24 Animated New Testament DVD Collection

Regular price $432.00 USD
Regular price $718.80 USD Sale price $432.00 USD
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Below is a brief description of the 24 New Testament DVD Collection from NEST.

John the Baptist Children will be inspired by the courage and conviction of this great prophet who prepares the way for the Lord.

The Ministry of Paul Teach the power of faith. Despite being beaten in prison, Paul travels the ancient world and changes history.

The Good Samaritan A story of robbers, a Rabbi, a Levite, a wounded traveler and a stranger with a big heart who teaches us to love our neighbors.

He Is Risen The most powerful story of all - from Christ's heroic death on the cross to the glorious joy of the resurrection on Easter.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ's compassion is evident in these stories of miracles that illustrate His love.

Treasures in Heaven Learn the difference between money and riches. Jesus tells how God wants to give us the eternal treasure of salvation.

The Parables Of Jesus Three parables, The Talents, The Rich Man and Lazarus, and the Two Sons, are presented together to reinforce important principles.

The Prodigal Son This parable tells of the son who comes home to a forgiving father after squandering his share of his inheritance.

Saul of Tarsus This story inspires to fight the good fight. A blinding light converts a hardened soldier into a warrior for Christ.

Built Upon the Rock Jesus instructs His followers to forgive those who wrong us and to love them through the parable of the House Built Upon the Rock.

Jesus, the Son of God Meet the 12-year-old Jesus who astonishes temple elders with His wisdom. Witness His triumph over Satan's temptations.

The Kingdom of Heaven In simple language, this series of favorite parables explains Heaven to a child and how to get there.

The Lost Is Found Through three interweaving stories, this masterful tale shows how Jesus generously extends His mercy to each one back to the fold.

The Greatest is the Least Jesus washes the disciples' feet and teaches that the way to greatness is not found in how many serve you, but in how many you serve.

The Righteous Judge In the story of the adulterous woman, Jesus teaches that human judgment is inaccurate. He also teaches about God's mercy.

Lord I Believe Through words of comfort and mighty miracles, the Master show us that "all things are possible to him that believeth."

Lazarus Lives Lazarus is resurrected after four days and life is restored. Martha, Mary and the others receive Jesus' promise for eternal life.

Bread From Heaven The thrilling story of one of Jesus' greatest miracles - the feeding of the 5,000 with a boy's five loaves and two fish.

The Lord's Prayer Jesus teaches His followers the importance and great power of sincere prayer

Signs of the Times Jesus teaches His disciples to have humility, repent, and be prepared for the day He comes again.

Worthy is the Lamb Through betrayal, abuse and crucifixion, Jesus fulfills every word of His ministry.

Forgive Us Our Debts After Peter clashes with a tax collector, Jesus speaks to him about forgiveness. Teach your children how to truly forgive.

The King is Born Your child will learn the true story of the first Christmas in this beautifully animated video of Jesus' birth.

The Messiah Comes Journey with the disciples as they discover Jesus' mission, deliverance from the bondage of sin and death.

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